Plant Health Care Services in Boulder
Bullard Tree and Garden provides professional plant health care services in Northwest Denver & surrounding areas including Arvada, Broomfield, Boulder, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, & Westminster.
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Pests and Diseases make trees deformed and dangerous
Prevent diseases and pests from causing unacceptable damage to your valuable trees. Our services will protect your landscape and keep your trees looking their best! Give us a call inquire about our plant health care services.
Prevent catastrophic loss of Ash, Maple, Elm and other trees with Pest Control Services
Do your trees show signs of insect damage? Contact us to conduct a home site assessment on your property.

Emerald Ash Borer
As local arborist, we have over a decade of experience with this ash tree pest. Modern treatments are more effective than ever, with less environmental impact and longer treatment intervals. Emerald Ash Borer are a destructive pest affecting Ash trees, compromising major branch attachments and creating potential hazards. Symptoms include thinning of the canopy, splitting bark, distinctive D-shaped exit holes, and galleries beneath the bark. Fast dieback.

Pest Control
Natural methods are used whenever possible to control insect infestations. However, chemical treatment methods can be required for saving high-value trees. Our treatments are designed to prevent re-infestation by addressing overlying problems. Protect your trees from potential pests and diseases that can cause irreversible damage. Early treatments offer ay layer of defense that keeps your landscaping flourishing.

Deep Root Fertilization
Our yearly tree fertilization service adds nutrients to the soil found in the root zone. We use naturally derived fertilizers to reinforce your tree's natural defenses to drought, insects and diseases. Fertilization is essential maintenance for Colorado trees. Our treatments promote root growth by adding nutrients directly to the root zone. A fertilized tree has better drought resistance, insect and disease resistance, and overall better appearance.

Disease Control
Both biotic and abiotic factors can lead to tree disease. Some insect pests carry fungal or bacterial infections. Abiotic factors can also make trees vulnerable to disease. For example, crowding and overly wet conditions can cause blight infections. Protect your trees from potential pests and diseases that can cause irreversible damage. Early treatments offer a layer of defense that keeps your landscape flourishing.